Training grants
The Alicia Koplowitz Foundation awards training grants every year.
Here you can consult the lisf of beneficiaries of the Grants awarded by the Alicia Koplowitz Foundation.
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Clàudia Aymerich Nicolas
Clàudia Aymerich was graduated in Medicine from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, later specializing in Psychiatry at Basurto University Hospital, in Bilbao, where she

Juan Pablo Chart Pascual
He obtained his medical degree from the University of Navarra in 2018 and subsequently began his Psychiatry residency at Hospital Universitario Araba, which will end

Alejandro Marcos
Alejandro Marcos, born in Salamanca and raised in Toledo, has an extensive personal and academic career both in Spain and abroad. Graduated in Medicine from

Javier Sánchez Cerezo
Javier was born in Caceres, Spain, and is currently working as a psychiatrist in London, UK. He obtained his medical qualification from Universidad Complutense in

María Rodríguez García
María Rodríguez García (M. Rodriguez-Ayllon for Citations/databases) studied Sports Sciences at the University of Granada. In 2020, she obtained her Ph.D. in Biomedicine at the

Alejandro Albán Porras Segovia
Alejandro Porras Segovia is a specialist in Psychiatry and a doctor in Clinical Medicine and Public Health by the University of Granada. He trained as

Víctor Pereira Sánchez
Victor Pereira-Sanchez, MD, PhD, is a psychiatrist. He obtained his medical degree (MD) in 2014 at Universidad de Navarra, in Spain, where he also completed

Ignacio Málaga Dieguez
Dr. Málaga is the Head of the Pediatric Neurology Unit at Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias (HUCA). He obtained his medical degree at Oviedo University,

Fernando Estévez López
Fer (Motril, Granada) did his BSc on Sport Sciences at University of Granada. In 2015, he was awarded with a PhD studentship from the Spanish

Marta Ybarra Zavala
Since completing her fellowship in Pediatrics and Neonatology, she has built her career at La Paz University Hospital in Madrid. Her career path focused on

Luis Miguel Martínez Agulleiro
Employment history Psychiatry Resident at Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Ferrol (2018–2022). Education Master’s Degree in Clinical Reasoning & Practice, Universidad de Alcalá (2017–2018). Degree

Macarena Franco Ruedas
Degree in Medicine and Medical Doctor specialising in Psychiatry from the University of Cordoba, Spain. She has completed an internship in paediatric emergency medicine at

Andrés Antonio Román jarrín
Degree in Medicine from the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil in Ecuador. He specialised in Psychiatry at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra. His complementary

Teresa Bellido Bel
Professional experience: 2017-2021 Psychiatry Training Program (Residence) at the “Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa” in Zaragoza, last year in specific Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Units

Mireia Solerdelcoll Arimany
Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Barcelona and specialist in Psychiatry at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (2015-2019). During the residency, she

Silvia Gadea del Castillo
Medical Doctor. Psychiatry Resident at Complejo Asistencial de Segovia, Spain (2017-2021). Training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry during her residency, reaching a total of 16

Fernando Estévez López
FER (Motril -Granada-, 1987) did his BSc on Sport Sciences at University of Granada (2010). In 2015, he was awarded with a PhD studentship from

Victor Pereira Sánchez
Psychiatrist in New York. Originally from Pontevedra, he obtained his Medical Degree (2014) and Specialty in Psychiatry at University of Navarra, with a track in

Javier Sánchez Cerezo
Javier Sánchez Cerezo studied Medicine at the Complutense University of Madrid. He studied one year of Medicine at the Albert-Ludwig University in Freiburg, Germany (ERASMUS

Silvia Sánchez Marco
Graduate in Medicine from the University of Zaragoza, Erasmus program at Université de Rennes 2 (Rennes, France). Master´s Degree in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Factors

Gonzalo Salazar de Pablo
Medicine degree at the University of Navarra. Specialist in psychiatry at the Gregorio Marañón University Hospital. He has completed the following MSc and specialist studies:

María Dolores Picouto González
Dr. María Dolores Picouto is a Consultant Psychiatrist working in the Adolescent In-patient Unit of the Institute of Psychiatry and Mental Health of the Gregorio

Paula Padierna González
Medicine Degree at Universidad del Pais Vasco and Specialist in Psychiatry at Hospital de la Princesa in Madrid, where she completed the sub-specialization in Child

Laura Moreno Fernández
Graduated in Medicine (2011) and in Social and Cultural Anthropology (2013), in Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She was specialized in Psychiatry at Hospital Ramón y

Braulio Manuel Girela Serrano
Braulio has obtained his medical qualification from the University of Granada, having also spent one year studying at the Victoria University of Manchester, and one

Daniel Natera de Benito
Daniel Natera de Benito is a Pediatric Neurologist specializing in Neuromuscular Disorders. He develops his clinical and research activity at Neuromuscular Disorders Unit of Hospital

Mireia Solerdelcoll Arimany
Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Barcelona and specialist in Psychiatry at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (2015-2019). During the residency, she

Julio David Vaquerizo Serrano
Medicine Degree, (University of Alcalá) and Official Degree of Psychiatry at Gregorio Marañón Hospital, with a formative itinerary in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Master

Teresa Gómez Alemany
Graduated from the University of Barcelona in Medicine and Surgery (2007-2013), she further specialized in General Psychiatry in Benito Menni Hospital, where she undertook the

Victor Pereira Sánchez
Medical Doctor (M.D.) by the Universidad de Navarra (2008-2014) and Specialist in Psychiatry by the Clinica Universidad de Navarra (2015-2019), with a training itinerary enriched

Ana Pascual Sánchez
Graduated in Psychology in 2014 at University of Salamanca. Collaboration scholarship in Personality, Assessment & Psychological Treatment, Faculty of Psychology, during the last course. Degree

Fernando Aguirregomoscorta Menéndez
I obtained my Medical Degree at the University of the Basque Country and did my residency at Basurto University Hospital, specializing in Child and Adolescent

Jana Domínguez Carral
Pediatric Neurology consultant at Hospital Universitario Parc Taulí, Sabadell, with special interest in complex pediatric epilepsies. Coordinator of the multidisciplinary group of diagnosis, treatment and

Alba Vilaplana Pérez
Alba has an MSc degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy from the Universitat de València. She completed her 4-year residency in clinical psychology in 2017

María Andreu Pascual
Degree in Medicine in University of Valencia (2006-2012). Specialist in Psychiatry. She did MIR training in Asturias, Oviedo from June 2012 to February 2013. She

Olga Santesteban Echarri
Dr. Santesteban-Echarri completed a bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the University of Deusto, and a Master’s degree and Ph.D. at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

Carolina Pastor Jordá
Medical specialist in Psychiatry. Degree in Medicine from the University of Valencia (2007-2013). She completed the fifth year of Medicine at the University of Turku

Sandra Gómez Vallejo
Degree in Medicine, University of Barcelona, Hospital Clinic. Erasmus Scholarship Program – Technische Universität München (Munich, Germany). Medical Specialist in Psychiatry – Hospital General Universitario

Gonzalo Salazar de Pablo
Medicine degree at the University of Navarra. Specialist in psychiatry at the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon where he chose the child and adolescent training

Rocío Roselló Miranda
Specialist in Psychiatry at the Hospital Arnau de Vilanova-Llíria (Valencia). During his training as a resident he has made rotations in different units of Child

Braulio Manuel Girela Serrano
Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Granada, studying fourth year at the Victoria University of Manchester (Erasmus Program) and fifth year at

Antonio Rodríguez Moreno
Dr. Antonio Rodríguez-Moreno is the Head of the Cellular Neuroscience and Plasticity Laboratory at the University Pablo de Olavide, in Seville, Spain. Following a degree

María del Mar Rivas Rodríguez
Degree in Psychology, Autónoma University of Madrid (2007). After finishing her degree, she obtained a scholarship from the Autónoma University of Madrid, participating in various

Inés López Álvarez
Degree in Psychology by the University of Salamanca, achieving the Master’s Degree in Neurosciences by the Basque Country University. Specialist in Clinical Psychology by Hospital

Laura Carballeira Carrera
Degree in Psychology by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Specialized in Clinical Psychology by Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid). Her interest on child and adolescent mental

Alba Vilaplana Pérez
Alba has an MSc degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy from the Universitat de València. She completed her 4-year residency in clinical psychology in 2017

Laura Sevilla Cermeño
Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Complutense University of Madrid, where I graduated with honors in high school. I studied through the Erasmus program

María Andreu Pascual
Degree in Medicine in University of Valencia (2006-2012). Specialist in Psychiatry. She did MIR training in Asturias, Oviedo from June 2012 to February 2013. She

Alba Ancochea Vilaplana
Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona, she specialized in Psychiatry at the Hospital de la Santa Creu y Sant Pau. During

Eva Gutiérrez Delicado
Medical Degree at the Autónoma University, Madrid, Spain. Residency Program in Neurology at San Carlos University Hospital, Madrid, Spain. Fellowship in Epilepsy and Genetics of

Ana Pérez Vigil
Dr Pérez holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona and specialised in psychiatry at the Clínic Hospital, Barcelona. After finishing

Daniel Bergé Baquero
Daniel Bergé is specialist in psychiatry at Hospital del Mar (2002-2006), where he currently works as consultant psychiatrist in the hospitalization unit and in the

Gonzalo Salazar de Pablo
Medicine degree at the University of Navarra. Specialist in psychiatry at the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon where he chose the child and adolescent training

Irene Esteban Cornejo
Irene Esteban Cornejo, Ph.D (Segovia, 1988), earned her bachelor in Sport Sciences (2010) and her doctoral degree from at Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain (2014).

Xavier Estrada Prat
Graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is a specialist in Psychiatry at Hospital Clínic Universitari de València. From 2007

Raquel Cecilia Costa
Raquel Cecilia Costa holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona at Hospital Vall d’Hebrón in Barcelona and she completed

Laura Moreno Fernández
She resigned from the fellowship for personal reasons, leaving the fellowship vacant.
Beatriz Martínez Nuñez
She resigned for personal reasons, and another candidate took her place.

Ainoa Mateu Mullor
Specialist in Clinical Psychology. She graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2010 obtaining the Extraordinary Award. He obtained the number 1

Juan Armando Paris Pérez
Doctor-Surgeon from the University of Zulia and Bachelor of Philosophy from the Catholic University Cecilio Acosta, both in Venezuela, he has specialized in psychiatry at

Marta Casanovas Espinar
Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Autonomous University of Barcelona (2003-2009). Specialist in Psychiatry at Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona (2010-2014). Beneficiary of a Fellowship for

Lorena Chanes Puiggros
Degree in Psychics, University of Barcelona; doctorate in Neuroscience, Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris 6). Her research work has focused on studying the neural

Marta Carulla Roig
Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Specialist in Psychiatry, Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge. In the last year of her residency she took

Marina Romero González
Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Granada. (2002-2008). Specialist in Psychiatry, Hospital Regional e Universitario de Málaga. (2009-2013). International Doctorate, University of Malaga (Cum

Irene Esteban Cornejo
Irene Esteban Cornejo (Segovia, 1988) has a Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science (2010) from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Her predoctoral research work

Blanca García Delgar
Specialist in Psychiatry, Parc de Salut Mar, Barcelona. During her residency, she furthered her education in child and adolescent psychiatry by taking a Master’s in

Marta Jaúregui González-Guija
Degree in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zaragoza, 2012. Erasmus Programme at University of Strasbourg 2011 (teaching in French). Residency Public Competition. MIR Asturias,

Sara Marco Sánchez
Work experience: 2013/Present. Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón (Madrid). 4th year Psychology Resident Educations: 2015/Present. Complutense University of Madrid. Studying for a Doctorate in Psychology.
Juan Úbeda Gómez
He resigned the scholarship for personal reasons, leaving the scholarship vacant.

Ana Pérez-Vigil
Dr Pérez holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona and specialised in psychiatry at the Clínic Hospital, Barcelona. After finishing

Marina Fábrega Ribera
Specialist in Psychiatry at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, during her residency she took different training courses in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, while obtaining the

Daniel Ilzarbe Simorte
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Zaragoza, he completed his residency in Psychiatry at the Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology Teaching Unit of
Felix Inchausti Gómez
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. (Rejects his fellowship)

Álvaro Frías Ibáñez
Dr Frías (Valencia, 1981) has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia (1999-2004) for which he earned an Extraordinary Prize. He obtained the

Olga Puig Navarro
Dr Puig holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and specialised in Clinical Psychology at Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, where she has been

Ana Belén Calvo Calvo
Dr Calvo holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca, a doctorate in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid and a master’s

Caridad Benavides Martínez
Dr Benavides holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Complutense University of Madrid and is a psychiatry specialist at Complejo Hospitalario de Segovia.

Lourdes Rocío García Murillo
Dr García holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Extremadura and specialised in psychiatry at Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro in

Laia Villalta Macià
Dr. Villalta holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona (UB-Hospital Clínic) and specialised in Psychology (Psychology Intern Resident system) through

María José Parellada Redondo
With a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of Madrid and a doctorate of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Alcalá

Olga Santesteban Echarri
Dr. Santesteban-Echarri completed a bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the University of Deusto, and a Master’s degree and Ph.D. at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

María José Parellada Redondo
With a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of Madrid and a doctorate of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Alcalá

Esther Moreno Manzano
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services. Michel Rutter Centre at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom
Carlos Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez-Caro
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA
Cristina García Frigola
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. University of Stanford, Stanford. USA

Ester Gangoso Rodríguez
MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine. University of Edimbourgh, United Kingdom

Iris Pérez Bonaventura
Yale Child Study Center. Yale University School of Medicine, Connecticut, USA

Itziar Baltasar Tello
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh (USA).

D. Miguel Ángel Alcazar Corcoles
Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Dr. César González-Blanch Bosch
Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Dña. María Martí Castanyer
Mailman School of Public Health, Department of Population and Family Health, New York, USA

Dña. Lorena Fernández de la Cruz
Institute of Psychiatry at the Maudsley, King’s College, London, United Kingdom

Dña. Covadonga Martínez Díaz-Caneja
Institute of Psychiatry at the Maudsley, King’s College, London, United Kingdom
D. Antonio Leal Micharet
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, USA

Rebeca García Nieto
Center for Psychological Trauma, Department of Psychiatry at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam University, The Netherlands

Dra. Sonia Álvarez Fernández
NYU Child Study Center, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York, USA

Dra. Marta Rapado Castro
Center for Neuropsychiatry of Melbourne, University of Melbourne, Australia
Dña. Ana María García Sánchez
Michael Rutter Centre, Institute of Psychiatry at the Maudsley, London, United Kingdom

Laura Pina Camacho
From Gregorio Marañón Hospital of Madrid. 1 month’s Fellowship in “INSERM Université Paris Descartes, Hôpital Sainte-Anne”, Paris, France.
Sandra Gallego Villalta
From “C.R.P. Nª Sra. del Pilar” of Zaragoza. 3 months’ Fellowship in NHS Foundation Trust, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service, Harrow, United Kingdom.

Iria Méndez Blanco
From Hospital Clínic of Barcelona. 4 months’ Fellowship in University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA.

Itziar Baltasar Tello
From “Complejo Universitario Infanta Cristina” of Badajoz. 3 months’ Fellowship in University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA.

Marta Rapado Castro
Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Ester Lorente Rovira
Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Meritxell Fortea Vila
Hospital Clínic of Valencia. 6 months’ Fellowship in Columbia University, Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, New York, USA
Mª Carmen Mascarell Catalá
From Hospital Clínic of Valencia. 3 months’ Fellowship in Groupe hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris. France.
Mª Fuencisla Pilar Cuellar
From University of Cantabria, CIBERSAM, Santander. 6 months’ Fellowship in Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA.
Mar Grau Escrivá
From Hospital Clínic of Valencia. 6 months’ Fellowship in Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom.
Ana María Sánchez-Pérez
From University of Valencia. 3 months’ Fellowship in Florey Neuroscience Institute. University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Pilar de Castro Manglano
From “Clínica Universitaria” of Navarra. 3 months’ Fellowship in Institute for Pediatric Neuroscience. New York University Child Study Center, New York, USA.
Meuri del Camino de Juan Romero
From Institut of Neurosciences of Alicante. 3 months’ Fellowship in Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

Hilario Manuel Blasco Fontecilla
From “Fundación Jiménez Díaz” of Madrid. 6 months’ Fellowship in Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitarie, Hopital Lapeyronie en Montepellier, France.

María de Gracia Domínguez Barrera
St. Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College (United Kingdom).

Vicent Balanzá Martínez
Universidad Federal de Rio Grande del Sur (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brasil.
Marta Peciña Iturbe
Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute, University of Michigan, USA
Noemí Pereda Beltrán
Crimes Against Children Research Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, USA
Eva María Sánchez Morla
Maryland Psychiatric Research Center (MPRC), University of Maryland, Maryland, USA
Montserrat Dolz Abadía
Center for the Assessment and Prevention of Prodromal States (CAPPS), University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Fernando García Moreno
Department of Physiology Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
Cristina Forn Frias
Neuroimaging Research Unit, Department of Neuroscience Scientific Institute Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano, Italy
Carlos Sanchís Segura
Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. University of California. Irvine, USA
Ágata del Real Peña
NHS Trust. Newberry Center. West Lane Hospital. Middlesbrough, United Kingdom.
Daniel Muñoz Samons
The New York State Psychiatric Institute, University of Columbia, New York, USA
Astrid Morer Liñán
Child Study Center. Yale University School of Medicine. Connecticut, USA
Carmela Gómez Rodríguez
Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, University of New York, New York, USA
Alejandra Ana García Rosales
The Michael Rutter Center for Children and Young People. The Maudsley Hospital. London, United Kingdom.

Pilar de Castro Manglano
Institute of Psychiatry at the Maudsley. London, United Kingdom.
Mª Dolores Braquehais Conesa
The New York State Psychiatric Institute, University of Columbia, New York, USA

Iria Méndez Blanco
University of Pittsbourgh Medical Center (UPMC), Western Psychiatric Institute & Clinic (WPIC), Pittsburgh (USA).
Mª Ángeles Mairena García de la Torre
Bellevue Hospital Center, New York University, New York (USA).
Ana Isabel Cubillo Fernández
The Maudsley Hospital Institute of Psychiatry. King’s College. London (United Kingdom).

Margarita García Amador
Columbia University Center, Department of Psychiatry. New York (USA).

Inmaculada Octavio del Valle
The Maudsley Hospital Institute of Psychiatry. King’s College. London (United Kingdom).
María Parrilla Escobar
Columbia University Center, Department of Psychiatry. New York (USA).

Juan José Carballo
Columbia University Center – Department of Psychiatry. New York (USA).

Jaime Moyá Querejeta
The Maudsley Hospital Institute of Psychiatry. King’s College. London (United Kingdom).

Soledad Romero Cela
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (WPIC). University of Pittsburg Medical Center (UPMC). Pittsburg. (USA).
Victoria Fernández García de las Heras
Imperial College, St. Mary´s Hospital, London (United Kingdom).

Miguel Moreno Iñiguez
Columbia University Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry, New York, USA

Carmen Moreno Ruiz
Columbia University Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry, New York, USA
Advanced Training Aids
in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology
CALL 2025
Download here the form to fill in the final report of the Alicia Koplowitz Foundation Short-term Grants.
Advanced Training Grants Form
Download here the first year and final report forms for the Alicia Koplowitz Foundation Advanced Training Grants.