Álvaro Frías Ibáñez

Dr Frías (Valencia, 1981) has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia (1999-2004) for which he earned an Extraordinary Prize. He obtained the title of Clinical Psychology Specialist via the Psychology Resident Intern system at Hospital Universitario La Fe, Valencia. He was awarded a doctorate in Psychology in 2015 from the Blanquerna Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences (FPCEE) of Ramón Llull University, Barcelona, with a doctoral thesis on obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia, which was classified cum laude. His postgraduate education includes a Master’s in Comorbility between Eating Disorders and Personality Disorders and in Legal Psychology. His professional experience has covered the child, youth and adult populations in the National Health System for more than 10 years. He has participated in the research teams of Drs Rosa Baños and Cristina Botella and published more than 25 articles in national and international journals, indexed as lead author.

During his time at the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, USA, he participated in different care, teaching and research activities carried out in the paediatric bipolar disorder unit led by Dr Boris Birmaher. Specifically, he was particularly interested in neurocognitive correlations and psychiatric comorbidity among minors diagnosed with this mental disorder. As a result of this work he has two articles in progress as lead author in collaboration with other members of the unit. Since returning to the Mental Health Centre in Mataró he has been conducting his own research on a sample of patients presenting comorbidity between bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder with a view to facilitating their early detection and improving clinical progress.