Research Grants in child and adolescent psychiatry and neurosciences

The Alicia Koplowitz Foundation announced the results of itsVth Call for Research Projects in the Area of Childhood and Adolescent Psychiatryduring the closing session of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Spanish Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AEPNYA) held on the 6th June, 2009 in Pamplona. The research projects funded in the area of Neuroscience will be announced during the Foundation’s IV Scientific Session to be held on the 24th September in Madrid.

The following 8 groups are to receive funding for their research into childhood and adolescent psychiatry and Neurosciences:

– Team led by Dr. Montserrat Graell Berna, from the Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús in Madrid, with Drs. Gonzalo Morande Lavin, Ascensión Marcos Sánchez and Esther Nova Rebato. Title of the project: “Anorexia nerviosa en adolescentes. Biomarcadores de evolución longitudinal (ANABEL)“.

– Team led by Dr. Montserrat Fernández Prieto, from the Fundación Pública Galega de Medicina Xenómica de Santiago de Compostela, including Drs. Elena Garayzabal Heinze, Mª José Buceta Cancela and Adriana Sampaio. Project title: “Descripción neuropsicológica intersindrómica en enfermedades genéticas de baja frecuencia por microdeleción: Síndrome de Williams y Smith-Magenis“.

– Team led by Dr. Juan Antonio Amador Campos, from the University of Barcelona, with Dr. José Antonio Aznar Casanova and Dr. Hans Super. Title of the project: “Análisis del patrón de movimientos oculares en la rivalidad monocular y binocular: fundamentos para un diagnóstico objetivo de los problemas de atención en el TDAH“.

– Team led by Dr. Rafael Tabarés Seisdedos, University of Valencia, with Drs. Salvador Martínez López and Carlos Bueno López. Project title: “Looking at molecular mechanism for the regulation of genetic expression by MeCP2 and ATRX: implications for the pathogenesis of Rett syndrome and autism spectrum disorders“.

– Team led by Dr. Liset Menendez de la Prida, from the Instituto Cajal-CSIC of Madrid, with the participation of Dr. Paloma Aivar Mateo, Dr. Beatriz Gal Iglesias and Dr. Marion Inostroza Parodi. Project title: “Early onset dysfunction of neocortical circuits caused by brain developmental malformations: basic mechanisms in epilepsy and psychotic disorders”.

– Team led by Dr. José Manuel García Verdugo, from the University of Valencia, with Dr. Angel Ayuso Sacido, Dr. Carmen Escobedo Lucea and Dr. Jorge Oliver de la Cruz. Title of the project: “Evaluación de la capacidad para regenerar axones desmielinizados de progenitores de oligodendrocitos de cerebro humano adulto en diferentes estadios de diferenciación“.

– Team led by Dr. Mario Delgado Mora, from the Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine, CSIC of Granada, including Drs. Elena González Rey, David Pozo Pérez and Per Anderson. Title of the project: “Estudio del efecto terapéutico de células madre adultas derivadas de adiposo en un modelo experimental de esclerosis múltiple. Inducción de tolerancia y capacidad regenerativa“.

– Team led by Dr. Maria Domercq García, University of the Basque Country, Leoia, Vizcaya, including Drs. Carlos Matute Almau, Hideyo Sato and Alfredo Rodríguez-Antigüedad. Project title: “Papel del intercambiador cistina/glutamato Xc en la esclerosis múltiple y en la isquemia en sustancia blanca“.