Research Grants in child and adolescent psychiatry and neurosciences

The Alicia Koplowitz Foundation announced the results for theVI Annual Call for Research projects in the area of childhood and adolescent psychiatry during the closing session of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Spanish Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AEPNYA), on the 22nd of May in Santiago de Compostela.

The four grants for research into child and adolescence psychiatry were awarded to the following research teams:

– Team led by Dr. M. Luisa Lazaro García, from the Fundació Clinic per la Recerca Biomédica de Barcelona, with Drs. Amalia Lafuente Flo, Juan Alberto Arnaiz Gargallo and Mª Teresa Plana. Project title: “Identificación de predictores farmacogenéticos en la respuesta terapéutica a flouxetina en pacientes diagnosticados de trastorno obsesivo compulsivo de inicio en la infancia y la adolescencia”.

– Team led by Margarita García Amador, from the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón in Madrid, with the participation of Drs. Celso Arango López, Joost Jansenn and Ana Espliego. Title of the project: “Modulación dopaminérgica en la integración de circuitos fronto-estriatales para la incorporación de reglas en el aprendizaje en poblaciones que presentan primer episodio psicótico o riesgo para el desarrollo de la enfermedad bipolar o la esquizofrenia”.

– Team led by Dr. Ana Patricia Fernández Fernández, from the Cajal Institute, CSIC of Madrid, of which Drs. Ricardo Pedro Martínez Murillo and Julia Serrano Masa are members. Title of the project: “El péptido adrenomedulina en el trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad”.

– Team led by Dr. Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga, from the Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, with the participation of Drs. Marta Ribasés Haro, Cesar Soutullo Esperón and Dña. Ana Bielsa Carrafa. Title of the project: “Estudio farmacogenético con metilfenidato en niños con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad”.

The groups that will receive funding for research projects in the area of early onset brain diseases included in this same Call, will be announced during the Foundation’s V Scientific Session to be held on the 30th September in Madrid.