The Research Projects in Child and Adolescent Neurosciences awarded grants

– Team led by Dr Pablo Mir Rivera of Instituto de Biomedicina, Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, Seville, formed by the following investigators: Dr Juan Francisco Martín Rodríguez, Dr Marcos Madruga Garrido and Dr Miguel Ruíz Veguilla. Project title: “Identificación de nuevos mecanismos neurales del control del tic en el Síndrome de Tourette” (Identification of new neural mechanisms of tic control in Tourette’s Syndrome).

– Team led by Dr José Javier Lucas Lozano of Centro de Biología Molecular “Severo Ochoa”. CSIC/FSO, Madrid, formed by the following investigators: Dr Ainara Elorza Peregrina, Dr María Santos Galindo and Ms Sara Picó del Pino. Project title: “Poliadenilación por CPEB4 de genes causantes de trastornos del espectro autista en el modelo de activación inmune materna.” (CPEB4 polyadenylation of genes causing autistic spectrum disorders in the model of maternal immune activation)

– Team led by Dr Alfredo Giménez-Cassina Sendón of Centro de Biología Molecular “Severo Ochoa”. UAM-CSIC. Autonomous University of Madrid, formed by the following investigators: Dr Javier Díaz Nido and Dr Sara Pérez-Luz. Project title: “Rescate de la función mitocondrial en neuronas humanas derivadas de pacientes con Ataxia de Friedreich.” (Rescue of mitochondrial function in human neurones derived from patients with Friedreich’s Ataxia.