Research Projects in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

– Team led by the Principal Investigator Dr Rubén Palomo Seldas of the Complutense University of Madrid, comprising the Investigators: Dr Michaela DuBay, Prof. Jesús María Alvarado Izquierdo and Prof. David Saldaña Sage. Project Title: Detection of autism in children under 18 months of age: validation of the First Year Inventory and analysis of different detection strategies.

– Team led by the Principal Investigator Dr Maria Soledad Romero Cela of the FCRB (Clinical Biomedical research Foundation) – Barcelona Clinical Hospital, comprising the Investigators: Ms Laia Marques Feixa, Ms. Mireia Forner Puntonet and Dr María Marín Vila. Project Title: HPA axis function and epigenetic modifications as predictors of clinical course in children with psychopathology exposed to child abuse and investigated in the pubertal-adolescent transition.

– Team led by the Principal Investigator Dr Marina Francisca Díaz Marsá of San Carlos Clinical Hospital, Madrid, comprising the Researchers Dr Alejandro de la Torre Luque, Ms. Teresa Bobes Basarán and Dr José Luis Carrasco Perera. Project Title: Effectiveness of an intervention programme to reduce suicidal behaviour in adolescents with psychiatric disorders: A randomized controlled study (SAM-PSYC).

– Team led by the Principal Investigator Dr Elena de la Serna Gómez of the CIBER Consortium (MP Networked Biomedical Research Centre), Madrid, comprising the Researchers: Dr Daniel Ilzarbe Simorte, Dr Adriana Fortea González and Mr Álex González Segura. Project Title: Interaction between gene and environment in children and adolescents who are children of patients with schizophrenia.