2017 Sponsored Events
  • International Symposium ” ACTIVE BRAINS FOR ALL: EXERCISE, COGNITION AND MENTAL HEALTH”, on 12th of June 2017, at the University of Granada.
  • 61 Congress of the Spanish Association of Psychiatry Child and Adolescent (AEPNYA), from 15th to 17th of June, 2017, at the “Paraninfo” of University of Jaume I, Castellón.
  • XI Day Update on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: “Etiological Factors and new options managing ADHD and other neurodevelopmental disorders” on 23rd of June, 2017, at the Auditorium of Civican, Caja Navarra Foundation, Pamplona.
  • 17 National Congress of the Spanish Society of Neuroscience, from 27th to 30th of September, 2017, at the “Auditorio de la Diputación”, Alicante.
  • XII Scientific Symposia of the Alicia Koplowitz Foundation, on 26th and 27th of October, 2017, at the “Gran Anfiteatro” of the Distinguished Medical Bar, Madrid.