Specialist in Psychiatry at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, during her residency she took different training courses in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, while obtaining the Diploma of Specialization in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Childhood and Adolescence extended by the UNED (December 2014-May 2015) and the University Expert in Bipolar Disorder by the Institute of Continuing Education of the University of Barcelona, Editorial Médica Panamericana (September 2013-April 2014). She has collaborated in the realization of communications to Congresses and publications with various teams of Child Psychiatry of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, especially with the teams of Eating Disorder and Psychosis.
As a Fellow of the Alicia Koplowitz Foundation at the Imperial College of London, at clinical level she develops her activity at the Westminster Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, with special dedication to patients with Eating Disorders, Autistic Spectrum Disorders and Somatoform Disorders.
On an academic level she attends weekly training program for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry residents at St Mary’s Hospital, Imperial Collge. During 2016 the monographic topic to be developed will be cognitive behavioral therapy. She has also completed the courses Family Based Treatment for Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa, taught by Professor James Lock at Great Ormond Street Hospital (Feeding and Eating Disorders Service) and the Video-feedback intervention to promote the positive parenting and sensitivity discipline (ViPP-SD). Training course at Imperial College London directed by Jane Iles and Paul Ramchandani.
At the research level, she has been integrated in the project “Healthy Start, Happy Start”, directed by Dr. Ramchandani, which aims to analyze the effectiveness and cost of the Video-feedback Intervention to Promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD) in children between 1 and 3 years old with behavioral difficulties. She has been trained as a therapist in VIPP-SD and is currently intervening as such in the study. She will also conduct a sub-analysis of the recruited data focusing on co-parenting.