World Mental Health Day Without Mental Health, there is no Health

Today, #MentalHealthDay, we bring to the table data that may be alarming, but which, at the same time, show that more and more initiatives are being carried out to improve the approach to mental health problems in children and adolescents with protocols for prevention, detection and care, and that work is being done to bring mental health care and training to all areas of life (family, school, etc.) to make mental health a universal right🌍.

⚠️Es is true that the fast pace of today’s life, the constant exposure to large stimuli and the isolation caused by family fragmentation and the consumption of mobile devices alone, are risk factors for developing mental health problems.

But even so, more and more people are there to listen without judgement, to talk, to seek to help, to offer resources, to accompany and to manage. And that is something to celebrate.

We want to make visible the great work of these people, especially psychologists and psychiatrists, and put the focus on the need for these professionals in the health system since, according to data from the White Paper on Psychiatry, Spain has a ratio of 9.27 psychiatrists per 100,000 inhabitants and 5 psychologists in the same ratio of population. An average significantly lower than that of other European and neighbouring countries.

We have come a long way and still have a long way to go, because without mental health, there is no health.