I obtained my Medical Degree at the University of the Basque Country and did my residency at Basurto University Hospital, specializing in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. During my last year I worked at the Adolescent Inpatient Unit, the Child and Adolescent Outpatient and Consult Services, as well as at a school-based Day Centre in Madrid as part of my external rotation. I have experience in Support Psychotherapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy, both individual and group. My further education includes training courses organized by Basurto University Hospital, CIBERSaM and the Spanish Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AEPNyA), which I’m a member of. I appear as an author in several presentations to various scientific conferences, as well of different papers published in medical journals, both at a national and international level. I’ve been part of international research projects, such as EUGEN and FemNAT. I’m currently working for the Basque Public Health Services (Osakidetza).